BoundaryCrossed Enumeration

public enum BoundaryCrossed

Used by Boundary Monitors to identify which boundary was crossed by a tracked player.

For 2D worlds, there are four boundaries (West, East, North, and South). Together these boundaries form a rectangle. For XZ worlds, this rectangle lies on the XZ plane, with the West boundary having the lowest X value and South boundary having the lowest Z value.

For XY worlds, the West boundary still has the lowest X value, but the South boundary instead has the lowest Y value.

For 3D worlds, the Top and Bottom boundaries are also used, forming a cube rather than a rectangle. The West and East are the boundaries with the lowest and highest X values respectively, the South and North are the boundaries with the lowest and highest Z values respectively, and the Bottom and Top are the boundaries with the lowest and highest Y values respectively.


Name Value Description
None 0 No boundary was crossed.
West 1 West boundary was crossed.
East 2 East boundary was crossed.
North 3 North boundary was crossed.
South 4 South boundary was crossed.
Top 5 Top boundary was crossed (Only relevant when using 3D world).
Bottom 6 Bottom boundary was crossed (Only relevant when using 3D world).