Streamable Worlds Bundle

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The Streamable Worlds Bundle allows you to purchase Terra Slicer and S.A.M. in a bundle at a discounted price.

The bundle has been converted from the Terrain Slicing & Dynamic Loading Kit, which allows those who have purchased the Terrain Slicing & Dynamic Loading Kit in the past to get Terra Slicer and S.A.M. at the incredible price of free!

If you have purchased the bundle or the Terrain Slicing & Dynamic Loading Kit in the past

You can gain access to Terra Slicer and S.A.M. by:

1) Adding both Terra Slicer and S.A.M. to your cart via the links in step 2. They should show as costing 0$ after being added to your cart, though note that you may need to proceed with the checkout process before they show up as $0.

2) Terra Slicer Asset Store Page | S.A.M. Asset Store Page

3) After checkout, download each asset separately as if you purchased them normally.

Please note, after getting the products for free, you may see that you can purchase them again for a non-free price. These are for additional seats. Unless working in a team, you do not need to purchase additional seats!

If the price does not show as free after adding the products to your cart, please contact us!

If you have purchased S.A.M. and want Terra Slicer, or vice versa

The only way to gain access to the other product at a discount is to purchase the Streamable Worlds Bundle. Navigate to the Streamable Worlds Bundle page and add it to your cart/purchase it. The price of the bundle should be discounted (normal price of bundle minus price of product already purchased).

Note, prices are subject to change and sales may affect the calculations. If you believe the prices have not been discounted correctly, please contact us!

If you have purchased BOTH S.A.M. and Terra Slicer individually, please read!

The Streamable Worlds Bundle will show as being available to purchase at a discounted price, however purchasing the bundle would be redundant and a waste of money since you already own both of the assets.