Sample Packages

Samples v3 (Published March 14, 2024). Use with SAM v1.5.0 or greater.

The package above provides Sample Scenes and assets that can be used to learn more about the Streamable Assets Manager in a more interactive way. It also contains an example of a rudimentary scene that is a good canditate to be used with SAM, which can be used in conjunction with the Getting Started Tutorial and Scene Conversion Tutorial within the Documentation (for users that do not have such a scene already).

If a more up to date version of the package is available, we encourage you to download and import it, as it will likely contain a larger number of Sample Scenes covering a greater range of topics (you can check the version of the package you have by clicking on the "About_Samples_Package" asset in the Assets/Deep Space Labs/SAM/Samples folder (after importing the package).

Please remember that this Samples package is a Work In Progress and may not cover everything. Any topics not covered are likely covered in the SAM Editor Guide.

Please feel free to use the feedback form on the Contact page to suggest ideas for new sample scenes. Thanks and enjoy!