This API provides information on virtually all of the public/protected members of S.A.M. - The Streamable Assets Manager from the SAM Dynamic Link Library (DLL). It does not provide information about editor classes! It is primarily meant to aid in the execution of advanced functionality, such as destroying and loading Active Grids and Worlds at runtime, moving the player across great distances (on the same world or between different worlds), and designing custom components in order to extend/modify S.A.M.'s functionality.
All members in this API are found within the DeepSpaceLabs.SAM namespace, except for the NamingConvention asset and INamingConvention interface, which are found in the DeepSpaceLabs.Core namespace. In order to use this API in your code, you will need to add using statements for the requisite namespaces!
Please contact me using the form on the contact page if you find any errors, or if you have questions regarding the kit. Additional information about S.A.M. can be found in the Learning Resources section. Enjoy!