The Object/Data Settings tab contains settings that control the names of generated slice objects and Terrain Data, as well as the folder where Terrain Data and slice prefabs are outputted to.
The Output Naming Convention is used to generate both the names of the game object slices and the names of the Terrain Data (one per slice). You can use the default Naming Convention (by leaving the field blank), or create a custom one. Creating a custom one is useful if you need the slices to follow a naming convention used by a third party tool. For more information on Naming Convention assets, please take a look at the Naming Convention Section within the Miscellaneous Chapter.
This is the name that will be shared by all slices in the generated group. It will replace %g in the Naming Convention's First Chunk Format string.
--Upgrade Note--
This setting was previously called Base Name Of Created Slices.
This is the name that will be shared by all Terrain Data (one per slice) in the generated group. It will replace %g in the Naming Convention's First Chunk Format string.
--Upgrade Note--
This setting was previously called Base Name Of Created Slice Data.
The folder where the Terrain Data assets will be saved. Care should be taken to ensure this folder does not contain Terrain Data assets with the same name as what will be generated by the current slicing operation, as if it does, the existing Terrain Data will be overwritten.
Automatically creating prefabs out of your slices is generally recommended, so this option should be enabled in most instances. Enabling this is also required if generating a large number of slices or when slicing large prefab groups, as it is the only way to remove the generated slices from the scene, which is needed to keep Editor Memory Usage low.
The folder in your project hierarchy where the prefab assets will be saved. Take care! If prefabs exists with the same name as a prefab that is about to be saved, the existing prefab will be overwritten!
Enabling this option will remove each game object slice from the scene after a prefab has been generated for it. This option is required when producing large amounts of slices, because leaving the game objects in the scene can cause the Editor to run out of memory.