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Product Overview - Where To Begin

In order to determine your next step, it is necessary to delve into the current state of your project and the reasons that you purchased this product.

I am a former user of the Terrain Slicing & Dynamic Loading Kit

Welcome, and thank you for upgrading to the new SAM - The Streamable Assets Manager package! If you are looking for the old Terrain Slicing functionality, please note that it has been split off into a separate product called Terra Slicer, which you should have access to. Simply search for Terra Slicer in the Asset Store (or use the link on our Terra Slicer Web Page) and add it to your cart. At checkout and the price should display as $0. Once you download Terra Slicer, please refer to the Terra Slicer Documentation for further instructions.

If you are more interested in the dynamic asset streaming and management systems, then you're in the right place! While you may think yourself an old pro who can skip exploring this documentation, the reality is, a lot has changed. There are new systems and new tools in place that will help you unlock new features and possibilities, and even old tools/components have been re-designed from the ground up.

I highly recommend that you go through this documentation in the same way that a complete newbie would (i.e., read the I Am A New User Sub Section below), with one addition. When you come to a bit of the guide that tells you to create a specific asset or component, you may come across an Upgrade Note. Read this note and click the link (if there is one) to see important information related to users who have upgraded! These links will take you to another page of the documentation found in the Upgrading Chapter, which will provide you with important information on how to upgrade the component/asset for the new system, or provide alternative/additional steps you need to take.

You can also take a look at the Upgrading Chapter before continuing, however this may be a little overwhelming.

Learn About Upgrading

I Am A New User

Welcome, and thank you so much for purchasing SAM - The Streamable Assets Manager! We understand that you must be super excited to begin the process of creating incredible streaming worlds, and who could blame you!? You've just purchased the perfect tool set to bring make those dreams a reality! However, it should be noted that this is a robust solution, and as such, there are a wide variety of assets, components, and concepts to familiarize yourself with.

But don't worry! We're not going to throw everything at you at once! Instead, we've created a handy little tutorial that will set you on the path to start streaming incredible worlds quickly while also helping you get to know the ins and outs of the Streamable Assets Manager. This 'Getting Started Tutorial' chapter is intended to be worked through in order (section by section), however if you come to a section that is telling you to do something you've already done, feel free to skip it!

--Upgrade Note--
If you are a new user, you can skip any Upgrade Notes you see throughout this guide, as they are intended for users of the Terrain Slicing & Dynamic Loading Kit who have upgraded to the Streamable Assets Manager.

It's time to Get Started!