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Getting Started Tutorial - Next Steps

I believe we have covered all of the settings that you may need to change on all of the different Components. At this, if you already have a set of Asset Chunks ready to be used, you should be ready to hit the Play button and see your World come to life!

Once you have successfully launched your game World, feel free to play around with different settings. Remember to use the tooltips, and if you see a '?' button anywhere, don't be afraid to press it! It will usually open up the Documentation to the Chapter/Section detailing the setting and/or component.

If you are working from an existing scene with game objects that need to be packaged into Asset Chunks (this includes the Sample Scene), please proceed with the Scene Conversion Tutorial.

Some Things You May Be Interested In

If you are looking to level up your game with some of the advanced components and systems that fall outside this general getting started tutorial, please consider taking a look at the following topics.

Controlling Execution Time

Fade In/Fade Out And More

Getting To Know The New Save System

Organizing The Scene Hierarchy

Shifting The World

Using Addressables

Using Grouping Listeners

Using Mini Assets To Improve Workflow

Using The World Designer Tool


If you are someone that learns better by following pre-made sample scenes, we implore you to check out the Samlpes Package page.

Do keep in mind, however, that these Samples are a Work In Progress and will not cover the full range of topics that this Documentation does.