ChunksPositioned Enumeration

public enum ChunkPositioned

An enumeration defining whether the Chunks of a World Cell have been positioned already. This is used during chunk attachment (which usually occur in Chunk Streamers or Chunk Managers) to give the World a hint on whether the chunks attached to a World Cell need to be positioned.

When 'Yes' is set, the chunks will not be moved. If 'No', the chunks will be positioned even if some of them are already at the correct position. The 'Maybe' option forces the World to check the position of each chunk on the World Cell to see if it's correct (i.e., equal to WorldCell.PositionOfChunks). Chunks are only positioned if their position is not correct.

This is only used with LODs whose make use of chunks and whose chunks make use of positional data!


Name Value Description
No 0 Denotes chunks which have not been positioned correctly already.
Maybe 1 Denotes chunks where their positional status is not known. Or alternatively, could denote a mix of chunks when the World Cell has multiple chunks, where some of the chunks have been positioned and some have not.
Yes 2 Denotes chunks which have already been positioned correctly.