WorldShiftEventArgs Class

public sealed class WorldShiftEventArgs : EventArgs

These Event Args are used with the World Shifter class's WorldShifting and WorldShifted events.

If you create a custom World Shifter class, in order to utilize these events, you must either configure the FireWorldShiftingEventAutomatically and/or FireWorldShiftedEventAutomatically properties to return true, or manually call the FireWorldShiftingEvent (before shifting the World) and FireWorldShiftedEvent (after shifting the World) methods.

Note, you should do one or the other. You MUST NOT call FireWorldShiftingEvent if FireWorldShiftingEventAutomatically is overriden to return true. The same goes for FireWorldShiftedEvent and FireWorldShiftedEventAutomatically.

The properties contain useful information, however note that they are only valid within the subscriber method that is passed the event args. If you need to utilize the data after your subscriber method runs, you must store the references or data.


Name Type Description
ShiftAmount Vector3Double

The amount that will be added or has been added to the object positions of the world.

World World

The world that is going to be shifted or has been shifted.