WorldShifter Abstract Class

public abstract class WorldShifter : MonoBehaviour

Rather than duplicate the world when a world Origin Cell change occurs, you can shift the world instead. To do so, you can use one of the provided World Shifter classes or create your own custom class by deriving from this class.

The main component of your custom World Shifter class will be the ShiftWorld implementation, which is a Unity coroutine. Here, you can do whatever you want, however to function correctly, you need to ensure that your world is shifted by the appropriate amount (found via the CurrentShiftAmount property).

What you shift to accomplish this is entirely up to you. You can shift a root world object that contains all of your world's objects, the objects themselves (recommended), or something else. A custom class gives you full control over your implementation details.

The class contains four events by default: PreWorldShift, PostWorldShift, PreTransformShift and PostTransformShift. These events will be available in the Unity editor for custom scripts in your scene to subscribe to, or you can subscribe to them via code by using one of the Subscribe methods (usually in OnEnable) and its corresponding Unsubscribe method (usually in OnDisbale).

The PreWorldShift and PostWorldShift are fired under two scenarios. When the FireWorldShiftingEventAutomatically and FireWorldShiftedEventAutomatically properties on your custom World Shifter are configured to return true, or when you manually call the FirePreWorldShiftEvent or FirePreWorldShiftEvent methods (do so at the appropriate time of course!). The latter can be done for more fine tuned control over when the events fire. If you choose the first option, the pre event is fired immediately before the WorldShift coroutine starts executing, and the post event fires immediately after it finishes executing.

The PreTransformShift and PostTransformShift events will only fire if you utilize the TransformShift method from within your ShiftWorld implementation, which is highly recommended. In addition to firing the events at the appropriate time, the method will also add the CurrentShiftAmount to the transform's position, ensuring that everything is done correctly.

However, because this class should offer maximum flexibility, it is not required that you use this method, however keep in mind that if you don't use the method, the PreTransformShift and PostTransformShift events will not fire automatically. You can still fire them manually using the FirePreTransformShiftEvent and FirePostTransformShiftEvent methods (at the appropriate time of course).

It is possible to use the same WorldShifter object with multiple Worlds, however special care must be taken in regards to subscribers of the events, to ensure that they can handle the events being fired for different Worlds.


Name Type Default Value Description
TransformShifted TransformShiftEvent

An event that can be subscribed to in order to receive notifications just after each Transform is shifted during the World shift.

The event utilizes TransformShiftEventArgs and subscribers must have a signature of void MethodName(object sender, TransformShiftEventArgs paramaterName).

You can subscribe to this event via the Unity editor or via scripting using the SubscribeToTransformShiftedEvent method.

To unsubscribe via scripting, use the UnsubscribeFromTransformShiftedEvent method.

TransformShifting TransformShiftEvent

An event that can be subscribed to in order to receive notifications just before each Transform is shifted during the World shift.

The event utilizes TransformShiftEventArgs and subscribers must have a signature of void MethodName(object sender, TransformShiftEventArgs paramaterName).

You can subscribe to this event via the Unity editor or via scripting using the SubscribeToTransformShiftingEvent method.

To unsubscribe via scripting, use the UnsubscribeFromTransformShiftingEvent method.

WorldShifted WorldShiftEvent

An event that can be subscribed to in order to receive notifications just after a World shift is completed.

The event utilizes WorldShiftEventArgs and subscribers must have a signature of void MethodName(object sender, WorldShiftEventArgs paramaterName).

You can subscribe to this event via the Unity editor or via scripting using the SubscribeToWorldShiftedEvent method.

To unsubscribe via scripting, use the UnsubscribeFromWorldShiftedEvent method.

WorldShifting WorldShiftEvent

An event that can be subscribed to in order to receive notifications just before a World shift starts.

The event utilizes WorldShiftEventArgs and subscribers must have a signature of void MethodName(object sender, WorldShiftEventArgs paramaterName).

You can subscribe to this event via the Unity editor or via scripting using the SubscribeToWorldShiftingEvent method.

To unsubscribe via scripting, use the UnsubscribeFromWorldShiftingEvent method.


Name Type Description
CurrentShiftAmount Vector3Double

The amount to add to the current position of objects in the world. Will be zero when a shift is not in progress

CurrentWorldToBeShifted World

The current world that is to be shifted. Will be null when a shift is not in progress.

FireWorldShiftedEventAutomatically bool

When overriden, tells the base World Shifter class whether the WorldShifted event should be fired automatically just after the ShiftWorld coroutine finishes running. This will call the FireWorldShiftedEvent method if true.

You may return false, however you will need to fire the event manually by calling the FireWorldShiftedEvent method.

If you don't elect for either of these two options, the WorldShifted event will not fire. You can create a custom event yourself in this case, and fire it at the time of your choosing, however there really is no need for this, unless you want to utilize different arguments for the event.

FireWorldShiftingEventAutomatically bool

When overriden, tells the base World Shifter class whether the WorldShifting event should be fired automatically just prior to the ShiftWorld coroutine being run. This will call the FireWorldShiftingEvent method if true.

You may return false, however you will need to fire the event manually by calling the FireWorldShiftingEvent method.

If you don't elect for either of these two options, the WorldShifting event will not fire. You can create a custom event yourself in this case, and fire it at the time of your choosing, however there really is no need for this, unless you want to utilize different arguments for the event.

PerformShiftInSingleFrame bool

Gets the value of the performShiftInSingleFrame field in the inspector.

TotalTransformsToBeShifted int

The number of transforms that will be shifted during the current world shift. Will be 0 when a shift is not in progress.



protected void Awake()

The World Shifter's Awake method, called by Unity. You cannot utilize Awake in your derived class, if you need to perform some sort of awake related logic, override the AwakeExtended method, which will be called by this classes Awake method. Also note that you do not need to call base.AwakeExtended(); from your AwakeExtended method, as this is a virtual empty method that does nothing unless you override it. Also note that this method is protected simply so that if you derive from this class, you will see an error when trying to add the Awake method.


protected virtual void AwakeExtended()

Can be overriden to perform logic that would normally go in Awake (which is used by the base class). Use this instead of implementing Awake! You do not need to call base.AwakeExtended if you override this, as the base method is empty.


protected abstract int CalculateNumberOfTransformsToBeShifted()

A method which should be overriden to return the total number of transforms that will be shifted by your implementation of the ShiftWorld coroutine. This is basically the number of times you will call the ShiftTransformAndFireEvents method, or the total transforms you will shift manually if you elect not to use that method. This is for use with the PreTransformShift and PostTransformShift events, so that the TotalTransformsInShiftCycle property in the event args can be set properly. If you don't intend to use these events, you don't need to worry about this method (just return 0).

Please note that this is not necessarily a count of the total number of transforms in your World, and some transforms may be children of other transforms, which are shifted automatically when their parents are shifted. Rather, this is a count of the total number of transforms that are shifted either manually by you (transform.position = transform.position + CurrentShiftAmount), or the total number of transforms shifted via the ShiftTransformAndFireEvents method.

Also note that the CurrentWorldToBeShifted and CurrentShiftAmount properties will be set prior to this method being called, so you can access them if you need to in order to determine the value returned.


The number of transforms that will be shifted.

FireTransformShiftedEvent(Transform, int)

public void FireTransformShiftedEvent(Transform transform, int transformNumberInShiftCycle)

Manually fire the TransformShifted event. You need to track and set the transformNumberInShiftCycle value, as automatic tracking is only available when using the ShiftTransformAndFireEvents method. If you use this method, you cannot use the ShiftTransformAndFireEvents method, as the two are mutually exclusive. You must also make sure to call the FirePreShiftTransformEvent method.

Ideally you would call this method immediately after manually shifting the transform's position.


Name Type Description
transform Transform

The transformt that has just been shifted.

transformNumberInShiftCycle int

The transformt that is about to be shifted.

FireTransformShiftingEvent(Transform, int)

public void FireTransformShiftingEvent(Transform transform, int transformNumberInShiftCycle)

Manually fire the TransformShifting event. You need to track and set the transformNumberInShiftCycle value, as automatic tracking is only available when using the ShiftTransformAndFireEvents method. If you use this method, you cannot use the ShiftTransformAndFireEvents method, as the two are mutually exclusive. You must also make sure to call the FirePostShiftTransformEvent method.

Ideally you would call this method immediately before manually shifting the transform's position.


Name Type Description
transform Transform

The transformt that is about to be shifted.

transformNumberInShiftCycle int

The transformt that is about to be shifted.


protected void FireWorldShiftedEvent()

Fires the WorldShifted Event. You only need to call this if you've configured FireWorldShiftedEventAutomatically to return false in your custom World Shifter class.


protected void FireWorldShiftingEvent()

Fires the WorldShifting Event. You only need to call this if you've configured FireWorldShiftingEventAutomatically to return false in your custom World Shifter class.


public abstract bool IsConfiguredToMovePlayerFromActiveGrid(ActiveGrid activeGrid)

When overriden, executes a query to determine if the World Shifter has been configured to move the Player associated with the Active Grid. This is used by the Active Grid in certain situations to avoid double movements.


Name Type Description
activeGrid ActiveGrid

The active grid with the Player.


True if the World Shifter has been configured to move the player, false otherwise.


protected void OnDestroy()

The World Shifter's OnDestroy method, called by Unity. You cannot utilize OnDestroy in your derived class, if you need to perform some sort of OnDestroy related logic, override the OnDestroyExtended method, which will be called by this classes OnDestroy method. Also note that you do not need to call base.OnDestroyExtended(); from your OnDestroyExtended method, as this is a virtual empty method that does nothing unless you override it. Also note that this method is protected simply so that if you derive from this class, you will see an error when trying to add the OnDestroy method.


protected virtual void OnDestroyExtended()

Can be overriden to perform logic that would normally go in OnDestroy (which is used by the base class). Use this instead of implementing OnDestroy! You do not need to call base.OnDestroyExtended if you override this, as the base method is empty.


protected void ShiftTransformAndFireEvents(Transform transform)

First, it fires the TransformShifting event if there are any subscribers. Then, it shifts the position of the input transform by the value of CurrentShiftAmount. Finally, it fires the TransformShifted event if there are any subscribers.

This method should be called for each Transform that you wish to shift. You can elect to not use the method and shift the transforms yourself, however the TransformShifting and TransformShifted methods will not be fired automatically. In that case, you can manually call FireTransformShiftingEvent before you shift the transform and then FireTransformShiftedEvent after you shift the transform, or elect not to use the Transform Shift events at all. The method automatically increments the TransformShiftEventArgs.TransformNumberInShiftCycle so you don't need to worry about it.

If you utilize this method, you should not utilize the FireTransformShiftingEvent and FireTransformShiftedEvent methods, as they are mutually exclusive.


Name Type Description
transform Transform

The transform to shift.


public abstract IEnumerator<YieldInstruction> ShiftWorld()

When overridden by a derived class, shifts the world. You'll notice that this method is not passed any arguments. The World and shift amount are set prior to this method being called, and can be retrieved via the CurrentWorldToBeShifted and CurrentShiftAmount properties.

What transforms you shift in order to complete a 'World Shift' is entirely up to you.


An IEnumerator<YieldInstruction> that can be iterated over or used as a coroutine. See the YieldInstruction page for more info.

SubscribeToTransformShiftedEvent(UnityAction<System.Object, TransformShiftEventArgs>)

public void SubscribeToTransformShiftedEvent(UnityAction<System.Object, TransformShiftEventArgs> subscriber)

Subcribe to the TransformShifted event via code. Typically you would do this in the OnEnable method, and then call the UnsubscribeFromTransformShiftedEvent method in your OnDisable method.


Name Type Description
subscriber UnityAction<System.Object, TransformShiftEventArgs>

The subscriber, which must be a void method with System.Object and TransformShiftEventArgs parameters.

SubscribeToTransformShiftingEvent(UnityAction<System.Object, TransformShiftEventArgs>)

public void SubscribeToTransformShiftingEvent(UnityAction<System.Object, TransformShiftEventArgs> subscriber)

Subcribe to the TransformShifting event via code. Typically you would do this in the OnEnable method, and then call the UnsubscribeFromTransformShiftingEvent method in your OnDisable method.


Name Type Description
subscriber UnityAction<System.Object, TransformShiftEventArgs>

The subscriber, which must be a void method with System.Object and TransformShiftEventArgs parameters.

SubscribeToWorldShiftedEvent(UnityAction<System.Object, WorldShiftEventArgs>)

public void SubscribeToWorldShiftedEvent(UnityAction<System.Object, WorldShiftEventArgs> subscriber)

Subcribe to the WorldShifted event via code. Typically you would do this in the OnEnable method, and then call the UnsubscribeFromWorldShiftedEvent method in your OnDisable method.


Name Type Description
subscriber UnityAction<System.Object, WorldShiftEventArgs>

The subscriber, which must be a void method with System.Object and WorldShiftEventArgs parameters.

SubscribeToWorldShiftingEvent(UnityAction<System.Object, WorldShiftEventArgs>)

public void SubscribeToWorldShiftingEvent(UnityAction<System.Object, WorldShiftEventArgs> subscriber)

Subcribe to the WorldShifting event via code. Typically you would do this in the OnEnable method, and then call the UnsubscribeFromWorldShiftingEvent method in your OnDisable method.


Name Type Description
subscriber UnityAction<System.Object, WorldShiftEventArgs>

The subscriber, which must be a void method with System.Object and WorldShiftEventArgs parameters.

UnsubscribeFromTransformShiftedEvent(UnityAction<System.Object, TransformShiftEventArgs>)

public void UnsubscribeFromTransformShiftedEvent(UnityAction<System.Object, TransformShiftEventArgs> subscriber)

Unsubcribe from the TransformShifted event via code. Typically you would subscribe in the OnEnable method of your script, and then unsubscribe in the OnDisable method.


Name Type Description
subscriber UnityAction<System.Object, TransformShiftEventArgs>

The subscriber, which must be a void method with System.Object and TransformShiftEventArgs parameters, and be the same method you subscribed with.

UnsubscribeFromTransformShiftingEvent(UnityAction<System.Object, TransformShiftEventArgs>)

public void UnsubscribeFromTransformShiftingEvent(UnityAction<System.Object, TransformShiftEventArgs> subscriber)

Unsubcribe from the TransformShifting event via code. Typically you would subscribe in the OnEnable method of your script, and then unsubscribe in the OnDisable method.


Name Type Description
subscriber UnityAction<System.Object, TransformShiftEventArgs>

The subscriber, which must be a void method with System.Object and TransformShiftEventArgs parameters, and be the same method you subscribed with.

UnsubscribeFromWorldShiftedEvent(UnityAction<System.Object, WorldShiftEventArgs>)

public void UnsubscribeFromWorldShiftedEvent(UnityAction<System.Object, WorldShiftEventArgs> subscriber)

Unsubcribe from the WorldShifted event via code. Typically you would subscribe in the OnEnable method of your script, and then unsubscribe in the OnDisable method.


Name Type Description
subscriber UnityAction<System.Object, WorldShiftEventArgs>

The subscriber, which must be a void method with System.Object and WorldShiftEventArgs parameters, and be the same method you subscribed with.

UnsubscribeFromWorldShiftingEvent(UnityAction<System.Object, WorldShiftEventArgs>)

public void UnsubscribeFromWorldShiftingEvent(UnityAction<System.Object, WorldShiftEventArgs> subscriber)

Unsubcribe from the WorldShifting event via code. Typically you would subscribe in the OnEnable method of your script, and then unsubscribe in the OnDisable method.


Name Type Description
subscriber UnityAction<System.Object, WorldShiftEventArgs>

The subscriber, which must be a void method with System.Object and WorldShiftEventArgs parameters, and be the same method you subscribed with.