OldActiveGridData Structure

public struct OldActiveGridData

A structure for holding some Active Grid Data that was previously saved in persistent data but is no longer used. Even though it is not used natively, you may wish to make us of this data to choose a proper Loading Pattern for the Active Grid. This data is automatically created and added when using the ComponentManager.ConvertComponentSpecificData method with a non null oldActiveGridData argument.


Name Type Default Value Description
ActiveGridID int

The ID of the Active Grid the data is associated with.

InnerAreaColumns int

The inner area columns value stored in the old data.

InnerAreaLayers int

The inner area layers value stored in the old data.

InnerAreaRows int

The inner area rows value stored in the old data.

OuterRingWidth int

The outer ring width value stored in the old data.


OldActiveGridData(int, int, int, int, int)

public OldActiveGridData(int activeGridID, int innerAreaRows, int innerAreaColumns, int innerAreaLayers, int outerRingWidth)

Creates a new instance of the OldActiveGridData struct.


Name Type Description
activeGridID int

The ID of the Active Grid this data is associated with.

innerAreaRows int

The inner area rows value stored in the old data.

innerAreaColumns int

The inner area columns value stored in the old data.

innerAreaLayers int

The inner area layers value stored in the old data.

outerRingWidth int

The outer ring width value stored in the old data.