PoolingChunkManager Class

public class PoolingChunkManager : ChunkManager

Provides a base implementation for a pooling based Chunk Manager.

The pooling system is very simple, so you may wish to create your own manager class that implements a more advanced system, though also note that using a pooling system with a streaming solution may be counter productive in some cases, as the point of using a streaming solution is generally to reduce memory usage.

This is an overridable class, so you can inherit from it to provide custom pooling behaviour. When doing so, all you should need to do is override the ShouldAddChunkSetToPool method. When queried, this method should return a value indicating if the World Cell's chunk set should be added to the pool.

In some instances, you may want to remove chunk sets that have been added to the pool yourself. The pool object can be accessed via the user object, which can be accessed via the RegisteredUsers property and the userID given to the user when it registered with the Chunk Manager (make sure to cast the user object to PoolingChunkManagerUser). For information on how to interact with the pool, take a look at the ChunkSetPool class.

When removing chunk sets from a pool, you should make sure that the manager isn't already in the middle of an action that manipulates a pool, as it may cause problems. To do this, query the PoolManipulationInProgress property and if it returns true, yield for at least one frame. Keep performing this check until it returns false. Once that happens, set the PoolManipulationInProgress property to true so that the base methods for attaching and detaching chunks will halt execution until you finish your removal operation. Once you finish removing the chunks, set PoolManipulationInProgress back to false.

This pooling class and any other ones based off it will not utilize the ChunkReuseJudge in the pooling logic, therefore the objects will only be pooled and reused with cells that utilize the same Streamable Grid Cell. If you want your pool to make use of the ChunkReuseJudge, you will need to make a custom pooling Chunk Manager that does not derive from this class.

This component is usable with both Game Objects and non Game Object Chunks, however there are certain methods of the Chunk Manager class that are by default, configured to work with Game Objects. Those methods include:

GetChunkPosition - For retrieving the Vector3Double position of a chunk. Only called if the LOD using this controller has 'Chunks Use Positional Data' enabled (this setting can be found on your Streamable Grid asset).

SetChunkPosition - For setting the chunk position to a Vector3Double value. Only called if the LOD using this controller has 'Chunks Use Positional Data' enabled (this setting can be found on your Streamable Grid asset).

SetChunkActiveState - For setting the state of the chunk to active or deactive. This method is called only if Auto Activate/Deactivate Cell Chunks is enabled in your World inspector, for any LODs that use this controller.

If you anticipate any of these methods being called, you will need to create a custom class deriving from this one, and in that class override the methods that will be called, so that they function correctly with your custom chunks.

Additional Note: This component contains its own special class (PoolingChunkManagerUser) which enables multiple users to use the pooling manager at the same time. The data associated with each user is stored in this user object and retrieved using the userID passed into each method.

This user object contains information pertaining to the user, such as the ILODGroup object associated with the user, the chunkStreamerUserID of the user (in reference to the Chunk Streamer it uses), and the pool of the user. You can access the user object via the RegisteredUsers property and userID, like so: RegisteredUsers[userID], however you will need to cast it to a PoolingChunkManagerUser or a custom user class that derives from it in order to access the pool.

You may also create your own custom user object class which derives from PoolingChunkManagerUser, in order to store custom data or add custom methods.

In fact, this strategy is utilized by some of the other Chunk Managers in the kit. Simply override the CreateNewUser method and return your custom user object.

The properties, methods, and constructors of this PoolingChunkManagerUser class have been included on this webpage along side the other members of the PoolingChunkManager class. You can easily identify them as their member names include a PoolingChunkManagerUser prefix. You can use these as a reference when creating custom PoolingChunkManagerUser classes.


Name Type Description
PoolManipulationInProgress bool

Gets a value indicating whether an operation is Currently in progress that manipulates the underlying pool. Any action you perform that manipulates the pool (removes or adds objects from it) should be performed in a coroutine, so that you can yield the execution of your action until this property returns false.

If your action takes longer than a single frame, you should set this property to true while it is executing, then false once it finishes, so that the underlying Add/Remove object methods do not run while you are manipulating the pool.

PoolingChunkManagerUser.Pool ChunkSetPool

A ChunkSetPool object for this user. This pool is actually a container for a set of pools, with one pool per Streamable Grid Cell.


PoolingChunkManagerUser.PoolingChunkManagerUser(ChunkManager, ILODGroup, int, int)

public PoolingChunkManagerUser(ChunkManager chunkManager, ILODGroup LODGroup, int chunkStreamerUserID, int maxChunkSetsPerPool) : base(chunkManager, LODGroup, chunkStreamerUserID)

Creates an instance of this user object. If you are overriding the PoolingChunkManager class and not overriding the PoolingChunkManagerUser, you can create a new instance of this user object via this constructor, which can be returned in the ChunkManager's CreateNewUser method.

If you are overriding PoolingChunkManagerUser, your custom user class will need constructors with at least these parameters (but can also have more), and they must also call the base constructor, which is accomplished by placing : (chunkManager, LODGroup, chunkStreamerUserID, maxChunkSetsPerPool) after your constructor declaration.

Note, this constructor can only be used from a class deriving from PoolingChunkManager or PoolingChunkManagerUser.


Name Type Description
chunkManager ChunkManager

The parent Chunk Manager instance creating the user object

LODGroup ILODGroup

The LOD Group the user object is being created for.

chunkStreamerUserID int

The User ID of the LOD Group that was assigned to it by the Chunk Streamer when it was registered with it.

maxChunkSetsPerPool int

The maximum number of Chunk Sets allowed in each pool, i.e., its capacity.


AttachChunksAlreadyInSceneToCells(List<WorldCell>, ChunkManagerUser)

protected sealed override IEnumerator<YieldInstruction> AttachChunksAlreadyInSceneToCells(List<WorldCell> cells, ChunkManagerUser user)

Searches for existing scene object in a pool, and if it finds all scene objects belonging to a cell, it attaches them and removes the cell from the list.


Name Type Description
cells List<WorldCell>

The cells whose objects need to be attached.

user ChunkManagerUser

The user requesting the attachment.


An IEnumerator<YieldInstruction> that can be iterated over or used as a coroutine. See the YieldInstruction page for more info.

AttachChunksAlreadyInSceneToCellsInSingleFrame(List<WorldCell>, ChunkManagerUser)

protected sealed override void AttachChunksAlreadyInSceneToCellsInSingleFrame(List<WorldCell> cells, ChunkManagerUser user)

Searches for existing scene object in a pool, and if it finds all scene objects belonging to a cell, it attaches them and removes the cell from the list.


Name Type Description
cells List<WorldCell>

The cells whose objects need to be attached.

user ChunkManagerUser

The user requesting the attachment.

CreateNewUser(ILODGroup, int)

protected sealed override ChunkManagerUser CreateNewUser(ILODGroup LODGroup, int chunkStreamerUserID)

Creates a new PoolingChunkManagerUser, which is a custom type which derives from ChunkManagerUser. This user object contains an object pool used specifically by this class.

If you create a class that derives from PoolingChunkManager, you may want to create a custom user type that holds more data, depending on your needs. In that case, your custom user type should inherit from PoolingChunkManagerUser and you should override this method to return an instance of your custom type.


Name Type Description
LODGroup ILODGroup

The lod group being registered.

chunkStreamerUserID int

When the LODGroup registered with the manager, the manager automatically registered the LODGroup with the Chunk Streamer associated with it. This is the user ID assigned to the LODGroup by that Chunk Streamer.


A new user object created using the worldAssociatedWithUser as input.

DetachAndProcessChunksToKeepInScene(List<WorldCell>, ChunkManagerUser)

protected sealed override IEnumerator<YieldInstruction> DetachAndProcessChunksToKeepInScene(List<WorldCell> cells, ChunkManagerUser user)

Detaches and pools the objects associated with the input cells over a period of frames. If there is not enough room in the pool for all of a cell's objects, they are not removed (so will be unloaded by the Chunk Streamer). Cells with objects that are sucessfully pooled are removed from the list. passed in list.


Name Type Description
deactivatedCells List<WorldCell>

The cells whose objects need to be detached and processed.

user ChunkManagerUser

The user requesting the detachment and processing.


An IEnumerator<YieldInstruction> that can be iterated over or used as a coroutine. See the YieldInstruction page for more info.


public sealed override void OnUserDeRegistering(ChunkManagerUser user)

Overriden to remove pooled objects belonging to the user just before it is de registered.


Name Type Description
user ChunkManagerUser

The user that is about to be de registered

ShouldAddChunkSetToPool(IDetachableWorldCell, PoolingChunkManagerUser)

public virtual void ShouldAddChunkSetToPool(IDetachableWorldCell cell, PoolingChunkManagerUser userCellBelongsTo)

Queried to determine if the input cell's Asset Chunk Set should be added to the pool. This method is only queried when there is room in the pool for the Asset Chunk Set (i.e., it is not at capacity), so if you return true from the method, you can be guaranteed that the chunks will be added. If not overriden, it will always return true.


Name Type Description
cell IDetachableWorldCell

The cell which needs to be processed.


The user the cell belongs to.