NonPoolingChunkManager Class

public sealed class NonPoolingChunkManager : ChunkManager

Provides an implementation for a Chunk Manager that does not pool chunks. Note that this component is usable with both Game Objects and non Game Object Chunks, however there are certain methods of the Chunk Manager class that are by default configured to work with Game Objects. Those methods include:

GetChunkPosition - For retrieving the Vector3Double position of a chunk. Only called if the LOD using this manager has 'Chunks Use Positional Data' enabled (this setting can be found on your Streamable Grid asset).

SetChunkPosition - For setting the chunk position to a Vector3Double value. Only called if the LOD using this manager has 'Chunks Use Positional Data' enabled (this setting can be found on your Streamable Grid asset).

SetChunkActiveState - For setting the state of the chunk to active or deactive. This method is called only if Auto Activate/Deactivate Cell Chunks is enabled in your World inspector, for any LODs that use this manager.

If you anticipate any of these methods being called, you will need to create a custom class deriving from this one, and in that class override the methods that will be called, so that they function correctly with your custom chunks.