TwoDimensionalChunkCellComparer Class

public class TwoDimensionalChunkCellComparer : SingletonEqualityComparer<ChunkCell, TwoDimensionalChunkCellComparer>

An equality comparer for a ChunkCell structure that treats the cells as two dimensional (ignoring the layer field on the cells Cell property).

It is recommended to use this comparer rather than the Chunk Cell's built in equality and GetHashCode methods if your cell is 2D, as the built in methods treat the cell as a 3D cell. You may also wish to use this when you don't know whether the cells will be 2D or 3D ahead of time. In this case, you can use the base EqualityComparer<ChunkCell> for your type, and instantiate a 2D or 3D equality comparare at runtime depending on your cell type (which will typically depend on the Axes uses by your Streamable Grid).


Equals(ChunkCell, ChunkCell)

public override bool Equals(ChunkCell cell1, ChunkCell cell2)

Determines whether two 2D chunk cells are equal (layer field of Cell is ignored)


Name Type Description
cell1 ChunkCell

The first cell.

cell2 ChunkCell

The second cell.


True of the two cells are equal, false if they are not. The layer field of Cell is ignored for the comparison.


public override int GetHashCode(ChunkCell cell))

Calculates a hash code using the ChunkIndex, Cell.Row and Cell.Column fields of the chunk cell.


Name Type Description
cell ChunkCell

The cell who's hash code you wish to get.


The hash code of the cell.