MemoryFreeingStrategy Enumeration

public enum MemoryFreeingStrategy

Specifies a strategy for freeing memory (which is a call to Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets).

We recommend using DontFreeMemory in most cases, as the UnloadUnusedAssets call can cause performance issues. Usually it is better to manually call this method, timing it such that the call is not noticed by the player.


Name Value Description
DontFreeMemory 0 Memory is not freed automatically. You have trigger it manually.
FreeAfterEachChunk 1 Memory is freed automatically after a single Asset Chunk is destroyed.
FreeAfterEachCell 2 Memory is freed automatically after all Asset Chunks from a single cell are destroyed.
FreeAfterAllCells 3 Memory is freed automatically after all chunks on all cells for the Current operation are destroyed.