INamingConvention Interface

public interface INamingConvention

Represents a Naming Convention contract.


Name Type Description
FirstChunkFormat string

Gets the format of the naming convention that does not take chunking into account. This format is always used with LODs that do not utilize multi chunking. If an LOD utilizes multi chunking but the UseNonChunkFormatForSingleChunkCells property returns true, this format is also used for cells that only have a single chunk. If that property returns false, the ChunkFormat is used for cells that only have a single chunk.

NumberingStartsAt0 bool

Gets a value indicating whether the naming convention calls for row/column/layer numbers to start at 0. If false, the numbers will start at 1 instead.

SupplementalChunkFormat string

Gets the format of the naming convention that takes chunking into account. This format is always used with LODs that utilize multi chunking, for cells that have 2 or more chunks. For cells that only have a single chunk, this format is used when the UseNonChunkFormatForSingleChunkCells property returns false. If that property returns true, the NonChunkFormat is used for cells with single chunks.