YieldOrContinue Class

public sealed class YieldOrContinue : YieldInstruction

A special wrapper for a unity YieldInstruction. In most cases you will not use this class directly. It is used throughout SAM in coroutine methods to indicate to a World or other componenent that makes use of it that the component should query an attached Execution Controller to see whether the method should yield for a frame or continue executing. This is meant to allow for flexible execution of these methods to account for variations in game perforance in different frames.

If for some reason you have reason to make use of this class, consider using the static Instance field, since a single object can safely be used in as many places as you wish.


Name Type Default Value Description

The YieldOrContinue instance. Return this from World driven IEnumerator methods to indicate that the world should query its Execution Controller to determine if the method should keep running or yield.