Yield Instruction Class

public class YieldInstruction

YieldInstruction is a unity specific class used in conjunction with Unity Coroutines. Even though it is a Unity specific class, it is listed on this API for informational purposes, as the IEnumerator<YieldInstruction> return construct is used throughout this API and it is helpful to have a page dedicated to explaining its use.

The IEnumerator<YieldInstruction> return construct is used extensively in the Streamable Assets Manager, mainly in two ways.

The first is in public callable methods, primarily found in the ComponentManager and ActiveGrid classes.

With these methods, you will either need initialize them like other coroutines using StartCoroutine, like so:

void Start()

or you will manually run them from a method that has been initialized via StartCoroutine. Example:

void Start()

IEnumerator MyCoroutine()
  var en = SampleMethod();
    yield return en.Current;

The second technique is typically more useful, as it allows you to add additional code within the while(en.MoveNext()) loop. It also allows you to track when the enumerator finishes executing so that you can time other actions with its completion.

It should also be noted that sometimes, you can run these methods in a single frame (if absolutely necessary). Example:

void Start()
  var en = SampleMethod();

Do note, not all methods can be run this way!

The second way the IEnumerator<YieldInstruction> return construct is used in the Streamable Assets Manager is as the return type for overridable methods found in overridable classes, which you might create to add custom behavior or logic.

These methods are run by the World class from a single StartCoroutine initialization (unless otherwise noted), which reduces garbage generation.

You have two options for how to implement overridable methods that return IEnumerator<YieldInstruction>:

1) Use the normal yield return statements, where the return value is either null or a derivative of YieldInstruction.
2) Use our garbage friendly ReusableEnumerators class.

For the first option, it should be noted that using yield return statements will result in auto generated iterators which will produce garbage. If using this construct, you can either yield return null or a YieldInstruction. Yield return null will cause the method to yield for a single frame and then resume execution.

In addition, you can yield return a WaitForSeconds object, WaitForFixedUpdate object, or a new Coroutine by using the yield return StartCoroutine(CoroutineName()) construct.

For the second option, you will need to also make use of one of the YieldEnumerator classes.

Use of these classes, as well as the ReusableEnumerators class, are only recommended for advanced programmers, as the classes are not heavily documented and if they are not used correctly, major issues can arise.

In fact, the ReusableEnumerators class is not documented in the website API, however if you use it from code, you will find some information avaialable when referencing it.