LODCrossFadeTransitioner Class

public sealed class LODCrossFadeTransitioner : CellVisualTransitionController

A custom implementation of a Cell Visual Transition Controller that is no longer used. The same functionality can be achieved by using a MatPropBlockTransitioner or PerMaterialTransitioner with its 'Use Unity Crossfade' setting enabled.



public sealed override bool CanWorldCellsBeTransitioned(ChunkType ChunkType)

Returns false and prints an error to the console.


Name Type Description
chunkType ChunkType

The Chunk Type you want to find out whether is able to be transitioned.


Always returns true if the Chunk Type is Non_Terrain_Game_Object. Also returns true if the Chunk Type is Unity_Terrain and Allow Use With Terrain is enabled in the inspector. Otherwise returns false.

ImmediatelyTransitionToVisibleState(ReadOnlyList<WorldCell>, ChunkType)

public sealed override void ImmediatelyTransitionToVisibleState(ReadOnlyList<WorldCell> cells, ChunkType chunkType)

No longer used.


Name Type Description
cells ReadOnlyList<WorldCell>

The list of cells whose chunks need to be transitioned to the visible state.

chunkType ChunkType

The type of chunks (or none if they have none) that the input cells possess.

ResetToInvisibleState(ReadOnlyList<WorldCell>, ChunkType, bool)

public sealed override void ResetToInvisibleState(ReadOnlyList<WorldCell> cells, ChunkType chunkType, bool isApplicationPlaying)

No longer used.


Name Type Description
cells ReadOnlyList<WorldCell>

The list of cells whose chunks need to be reset to the invisible state.

chunkType ChunkType

The type of chunks (or none if they have none) that the input cells possess.

isApplicationPlaying bool

Whether the Application is currently playing. This will be true if the game is running (i.e., Play Mode or within a normal built game), or false if the method is being called inside the Editor by the World Designer tool. You may need to execute slightly different code depending on whether the application is playing or not.

ResetToVisibleState(ReadOnlyList<WorldCell>, ChunkType, bool)

public sealed override void ResetToVisibleState(ReadOnlyList<WorldCell> cells, ChunkType chunkType)

No longer used.


Name Type Description
cells ReadOnlyList<WorldCell>

The list of cells whose chunks need to be reset to the visible state.

chunkType ChunkType

The type of chunks (or none if they have none) that the input cells possess.

isApplicationPlaying bool

Whether the Application is currently playing. This will be true if the game is running (i.e., Play Mode or within a normal built game), or false if the method is being called inside the Editor by the World Designer tool. You may need to execute slightly different code depending on whether the application is playing or not.

TransitionBetweenLevelsOfDetail(ReadOnlyList<WorldCell>, ChunkType, ReadOnlyList<WorldCell>, ChunkType)

public sealed override IEnumerator<YieldInstruction> TransitionBetweenLevelsOfDetail(ReadOnlyList<WorldCell> transitionFrom, ChunkType transitionFromCellsChunkType, ReadOnlyList<WorldCell> transitionTo, ChunkType transitionToCellsChunkType)

No longer used.


Name Type Description
transitionFrom ReadOnlyList<WorldCell>

The list of cells containing the LOD chunks which are being transitioned from (i.e., they are what is currently activated that we want to deactivate). This list is read only and may contain cells from different LODs.

transitionFromCellsChunkType ChunkType

The type of chunks (or none if they have none) belonging to the transitionFrom World Cells.

transitionTo ReadOnlyList<WorldCell>

The list of cells containing the LOD chunks which are being transitioned to (i.e., they are what is currently deactivated that we want to activate). This list is read only and all cells are from the same World Grouping and LOD.

transitionToCellsChunkType ChunkType

The type of chunks (or none if they have none) belonging to the transitionTo World Cells.


An IEnumerator<YieldInstruction> that can be iterated over or used as a coroutine. See the YieldInstruction page for more info.

TransitionToInvisibleState(ReadOnlyList<WorldCell>, ChunkType)

public sealed override IEnumerator<YieldInstruction> TransitionToInvisibleState(ReadOnlyList<WorldCell> cells, ChunkType chunkType)

No longer used.


Name Type Description
cells ReadOnlyList<WorldCell>

The list of cells whose chunks need to be transitioned to a "deactivated" state. "Deactivated" in this sense just means the chunks should be made invisible to the player (assuming the cell is not being culled by your culling system [if present]). All cells are part of the same World Grouping and LOD.

chunkType ChunkType

The type of chunks (or none if they have none) that the input cells possess.


An IEnumerator<YieldInstruction> that can be iterated over or used as a coroutine. See the YieldInstruction page for more info.

TransitionToVisibleState(ReadOnlyList<WorldCell>, ChunkType)

public sealed override IEnumerator<YieldInstruction> TransitionToVisibleState(ReadOnlyList<WorldCell> cells, ChunkType chunkType)

No longer used.


Name Type Description
cells ReadOnlyList<WorldCell>

The list of cells whose chunks need to be transitioned to an "activated" state. "Activated" in this sense just means the chunks should be made visible to the player (assuming the cell is not being culled by your culling system [if present]). All cells are part of the same World Grouping and LOD.

chunkType ChunkType

The type of chunks (or none if they have none) that the input cells possess.


An IEnumerator<YieldInstruction> that can be iterated over or used as a coroutine. See the YieldInstruction page for more info.