NamingConvention Class

public sealed class NamingConvention : ScriptableObject, INamingConvention

A Naming Convention implemented as a scriptable object. You can create a NamingConvention asset via Assets -> Create -> Deep Space Labs -> Core -> Naming Convention.

These assets are used by the different tools/components in the Terra Slicer and S.A.M. - Streamable Assets Manager packages to procedurally build the names of Assets and other things at runtime or while a tool is executing. This saves on mememory as it means the asset names do not need to be saved to a file and included with the game build.

If a NamingConvention field is visible on a component or tool and no asset is provided, a default INamingConvention implementation will be used, which has the following characteristics.

First Chunk Format 2D: %g_%y_%x
First Chunk Format 3D: %g_%z_%y_%x
Supplemental Chunk (2+) Format 2D: %g_%y_%x_Chunk%c
Supplemental Chunk (2+) Format 3D: %g_%z_%y_%x_Chunk%c

When using these Formats to generate names, the %g characters are replaced by the Group Name of whatever group the Asset belongs to. In SAM, this is the Group Name associated with the LOD Group (found on the Streamable Grid asset). In Terra Slicer, this is the common named provided to the Slicer Tool for a set of prefabs or Terrain Data assets.

%y is replaced by the Row number an Asset belongs to, while %x is replaced by the Column number. %z is replaced by the Layer number, but is only used in SAM when using a 3D Streamable Grid. In addition, %c is replaced by a Chunk Number, but is only used in SAM when an LOD Group uses multi-chunking (and in this case, it is only used in the Supplemental Chunk Format, which is used to generate names for Chunks 2+ in a Chunk Set).

The First Chunk Format is used to generate names for the first Asset Chunk in an Asset Chunk Set, or to generate names for Assets where multi-chunking is not used or not applicable (such as the Terra Slicer tool). The Supplemental Chunk Format is used to generate names for Asset Chunks 2, 3, and so on, and is only used by SAM.

The default naming convention automatically generates its Formats according to whether the tool/component it is being used with has 2D or 3D properties, however this is not possible when you create custom Naming Convention instances. As such, you need to explicitly setup your Format fields to use the third dimension (%z - which is the layer) if it is necessary (which will only be the case when using SAM and a Streamable Grid with Axes set to Three Dimensional).

You can find more information about Naming Conventions in the Editor Guide for the Terra Slicer or SAM.