Vector3Double Structure

public struct Vector3Double : IEquatable<Vector3Double>, IFormattable

This is a version of Vector3Double that uses doubles instead of doubles. Please refer to Unity's Vector3 documentation for member information, as all members supported with Vector3's are supported with this struct and are used in the exact same way.

The struct also has an implicit implementation for converting from Vector3 to Vector3Double, which you can use like this:

Vector3 exampleV3 = new Vector3(.5f, 10f, 5f); Vector3Double vDouble = exampleV3;

and an explicit implementation for converting from Vector3Double to Vector3, which you can use like this:

Vector3Double exampleVD3 = new Vector3Double(.5d, 10d, 5d); Vector3 v = (Vector3)exampleV3;//note the explicit cast

The latter explicit cast results in a down-cast, which may result in a loss/change of data if the Vector3 cannot represent the Vector3Double accurately. However, in almost all use cases with the Streamable Assets Manager, when these explicit cast are required, the Vector3Double value should represent data that can be successfully converted to a Vector3, with at most a loss of precision.


Uses an approximation/epsilon to compare the equality of each component.


Name Type Description


True if the two Vector3Doubles are approximately equal, false otherwise

Converts this Vector3Double to a GridValues<double> struct.


Name Type Description

The axes type. This determines whether the y component is used for layer and z for row, or vice versa. The x component is always used for the column value.


A GridValues struct.