ILODGroup Interface

public interface ILODGroup

Represents an LOD group. This is similar to the LOD Group found on Streamable Grids, except the ILODGroup is used at runtime and contains some extra runtime only data, such as the World the LOD Group is associated with.


Name Type Description
ChunkReuseLogic ChunkReuseJudge.JudgementDelegate

Gets the Logic used to determine if the chunks from one World Cell can be reused on a different World Cell. The logic takes in the Streamable Grid Cell indexes of both World Cell's. This is useful in custom Chunk Managers if you want to implment pooling logic that takes into account reuse logic. Note that this will return null if the manager the LOD Group is being used with has cell reuse disabled.

ChunkStreamer ChunkStreamer

Gets the Chunk Streamer that the LOD group uses.

GridLODDetails GridLODDetails

Gets and object containing details about this LOD Group.

GroupName string

Gets the Group Name associated with the lod group.

InitialOriginCell Cell

The initial Origin Cell of the World Grouping this LOD group is associated with, as determined by the Origin Cell set in the inspector of your World. Note, however, that this is different than that Origin Cell, since this is the Origin Cell of the specific World Grouping that the LOD Group is a part of, while the one in the inspector is the Origin Cell of World Grouping 1.

If you want the current origin cell of the Grouping the LOD Group belongs to, use OriginCell instead.

OriginCell Cell

Gets the current Origin Cell for the World Grouping the LOD Group is associated with.

This is the same value returned by World.GetOriginCellOfWorldGrouping when WorldGroupingIndex is passed in.

OriginCellPosition Vector3Double

Gets the current position of the Origin Cell for the World Grouping the LOD Group is associated with.

This is the same value returned by World.GetOriginCellPositionOfWorldGrouping when WorldGroupingIndex is passed in.

UsedWithHierarchyOrganizer bool

Gets a value indicating whether this LOD Group is being used with a Hierarchy Organizer. Returns false if the World has not been assigned a Hierarchy Organizer, if the Asset Chunks used by the LOD Group are not Game Objects, or if the LOD Group (or the World Grouping it belongs to) has 'Use With Hierarcy Organizer' disabled.

World World

Gets the World associated with the lod group.

WorldGroupingIndex int

Gets the index of the World Grouping the LODGroup belongs to.